Newsletter: Issue #103 January 2019
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Style Snippets

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Jane's Jottings

And just like that we're well into 2019! I hope your year is starting well? If you made New Years resolutions how are they going?

This year my 'theme' is fitness and health. No doubt prompted by being about to have a significant birthday (ending in zero)! And the sad death of my uncle at the end of last year.

If you made any resolutions around improving your self-care, self-esteem or dressing style you should find my updated wardrobe planning article useful. It helps you work out what you need in your wardrobe (see below).
Enjoy this month's Style Snippets. Yours in style

How to Create Confident Style

If you'd like to look more stylish and easily select stylish outfits to wear everyday, but don't know where to start check out the 6 steps to savvy style. (Hint: includes how to dress for your shape, your coloring, and your personality.)

If you're ready for a style makeover contact me. Either let me know what you'd like help with or request a free 30 minute Style Makeover Action Plan call.

Style Article

Basic Wardrobe Planning

benefits of wardrobe planning

One Benefit of Wardrobe Planning: something just right to wear for every occasion!

Have you ever had an "I've got nothing to wear" moment? What did you do? Settle for wearing something that kinda, sorta worked, but didn't make you feel very comfortable or confident? Or perhaps you even made some sort of excuse and didn't go out at all? Either way, I suspect you felt pretty down on yourself!

Would you like to stop having those moments? When you know what you need in your wardrobe and how to plan it, you'll find you have something suitable to wear for every occasion.

In this article I've included the steps I go through with my clients and the planning worksheets I use continue reading...

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