Over the last 2 months I've enjoyed being a part of the style journey of the 14 lovely students who joined the pilot for my online style program, empowering them to 'up the ante' with their style. Here's the wrap up
This month I have pleasure in sharing Tamara's style journey (a story I've enjoyed being a part of for a couple of years now) and I answer a reader's question with some outfit ideas.
Now my thoughts are turning to the new fashion season as clothes for the new season start to hit the stores. My diary is starting to fill with seasonal wardrobe updates (wardrobe audits, shopping and outfit creation). And the weather, here in Sydney at least, is giving hints that Spring's around the corner. I love this time of year!
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Pilot Online Style Makeover Program Wrap Up
It's been a busy 5 weeks for my 14 lovely students and for me. And some of us (me included) have experienced a gamut of emotions!
My first online style program, that's been in my thoughts for years, officially ended this week. Although I hope it's members will continue to use our private Facebook group for support and feedback.
Originally I'd intended the program to run for 4 weeks and to be soley focussed on identifying and dressing to flatter body shape, with some ideas for outfit creation. In the end I extended it to 5 weeks and based it around my holistic 6 steps to savvy style model.
I learnt a lot and I know the students learnt a lot too. A few felt I'd given them too much information too fast (and I've taken that feedback on board for next time). And there was one module in particular that confused more than it helped (it will be given a major overhaul).
'Thank you' to each of you who joined this first program. You formed a wonderful group. You now have the knowledge about style and yourself to keep developing your style.
Over the next few weeks I'll be working out where to go with the style program from here.