Do you ever find yourself procrastinating? Then get annoyed with yourself for not just doing it?! That's how it's been for me this month with creating my trend watch pages!
Yes, I've been busy with wardrobe consultations and shopping. However, even when I've found time to sit in front of the computer and write about all the lovely new styles out there I haven't managed to produce my trend watch articles! Hmmm.
It's always a challenge to find images that represent the main trends I want to highlight, but this season has been the most challenging yet (partly due to a change in one of the online software programs that I've previously used). However, finally they're done, so I can move on to more fun projects!
What I can also share with you this month is my experience of having a makeup lesson. When was the last time you updated your makeup?
Have you been putting off assessing your wardrobe for the new season, yet been tempted to go out and buy new clothes? Please don't buy until you've worked out the looks you want for this season and had a shop in your own wardrobe first. You may well find you need fewer items than you thought. Of course I'd love to help you with this (either in person or online). Simply reply to this email and ask me to contact you (include your phone number, and let me know where you're located).
If you've visited my website recently you'll realise I haven't managed to get the new look and feel rolled out. It is well in progress behind the scenes. However, like all good things, it's taking longer than anticipated! (I have a lot more pages on my website than I'd realised!). The revised deadline is the end of the year!
Enjoy this month's Style
Snippets. Until next month, all the best

PS I always welcome your feedback, so please
contact me with anything you'd like to see either on the website or in
this newsletter (reply to this email or use the Contact Me link below).
Makeup Lesson
Last week I took a makeup lesson from the lovely Petrina of Studio Petrina Milas. The aim was to review my look and techniques and see what I needed to update.
We were at Petrina's peaceful, stylish studio in Northbridge (Sydney). The lesson was a one-on-one session. (She also offers a similar class as a group session for up to 8 women). The lesson covers how to apply a 10 minute everyday look, a more polished look and an evening look. It's a very practical session.
I learnt quite a bit! Not the least being that it takes time to change old habits and get used to new looks (something that I know many of my clients go through, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded how this might feel)!
I learned:
- A better way (faster and with better results) to apply my eyebrow makeup and mascara -- essential, with my light eyebrows and lashes, to create more definition and a look with more presence
- A handy tip for covering white hairs in the brow that a powder won't cover (and no, it doesn't involve plucking ;D)
- How much easier and more effective it is using the right brushes for applying makeup
- I'll be using a peachier coloured blush this season, to update my look for Spring and Summer, rather than the more purpley one I have been using
- It was challenging trying to apply eyeliner in a more contemporary way! Mainly because I don't like anything near my eyes. However, this was one of the main things I'd wanted to learn, so I will be practicising the technique!
See the before (wearing very little makeup) and after pictures below...
While I initially thought the full eye makeup look overdone for me (mainly because I very rarely apply more than eyeliner and mascara), when I looked at the photos I do like the look. Petrina suggested I might want to create a look something like this for presentations, as well as for an evening look.
Verdict: I highly recommend a makeup lesson from a professional makeup artist such as Petrina. It's just as important to periodically adjust and update our makeup as it is to keep our outfits contemporary.