Jane's Jottings
I almost didn't create a newsletter this month. However, then I got a booking from a new customer who said she'd been receiving my Style Snippets for ages (two and half years, as it turns out) and had been meaning to contact me. It reminded me of one of the reasons I create this newsletter. So here I am in your inbox again this month ;D!
I'm intending to review, refresh and add to my website articles on colours. However, as I'm off on my annual trip to the UK on Friday I don't have time to do that this month. Do let me know if there's anything in particular about colours that you'd like to know about. It's one of my favourite subjects.
In the meantime, here's my main article on colours.

And here are links to some answers to readers' questions about colours:
> How to create a wardrobe of casual clothes in my colors?
> What are the 'proper' handbag and shoe colors for the seasons?
> How does a person's colors change when she stops dying her hair?
> What to wear when my coloring is light, but my body shape is better suited to dark colors?
> I hate 'my' colours - what to do?

My travel wardrobe for this UK trip is based around khaki and olive greens, yellow, and purple, with a couple of earthy-red pieces too! I could have left out at least a few pieces. It's a balancing act between not lugging around too much stuff and taking enough items that I don't get bored. Based on past experience, I think this wardrobe should hit the spot!
Just about every top goes with every bottom, so there are more outfit permutations here than days I'm away. However, I'll often need 2 outfits in a day (I do like to change for evening), and the weather will influence which combinations I actually wear.
I'll try and remember to post photos of my travel outfits here on my Instagram page - many readers tell me they enjoy my travel outfit posts. I'm also finding they're useful for me to look back at to remind myself what really worked, and what the weather was like.
Do contact me if you'd like help with discovering your best colours, finding your style, editing your wardrobe (or creating a travel wardrobe), and shopping. I can help you in person if you're in Sydney, or online if you're elsewhere (I have a new online color analysis tool that will make it easier to assess colors from photos). I'll be back at work on 23rd July, but you can email me while I'm away.
Enjoy this month's Style Snippets. Yours in style