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I'm over 50 can I wear leggings?

by Denise
(Newport, NSW, Australia)

Leggings under dresses can look great

Leggings under dresses can look great

... and if so how?

Jane's answer...
There was a great blog on this subject, but I can't find it now (I think the owner may be moving it), it was all about leggings not being pants or trousers!

The key thing to remember (especially if you're over 30!) is to treat leggings as an accessory, that is, like hosiery and you're less likely to go wrong.

Don't look as if you've left home and forgotten to put on your bottom half!

Pick a skirt or dress length that suits you, then add leggings to...

  • Create an edgier look

  • Add warmth, or

  • Hide varicose veins or scars on your legs

Leggings Under Dress
My Tights have a selection
of leggings in a variety of colors.
They ship to the US and UK.

The leggings can be from below the knee to ankle length. Make sure the hem doesn't end at the widest part of your calf.

Choose a length so the proportions work with the rest of your outfit. And make sure the color of the leggings picks out a color from the rest of the outfit.

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jane liddelow

"Your style makeover may require a few tweaks or a total re-think. Using a mix of science and art I show you how to discover your style and look great every day.

Hi, I'm Jane Liddelow, the Personal Image Consultant and Stylist responsible for this site. Find out more about me here."

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